
Kittleman Search

How We Partner with You

Most of the searches we conduct for nonprofit organizations are for the President/Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director. As such, we have gained considerable expertise in partnering with governing boards and search committees in conducting a successful recruitment process.

In a search engagement, each of us bring something valuable to the table. You bring your intimate knowledge of and passion for your organization, and we bring our broad familiarity of and access to the professional job market in your sector. You bring your instincts in aligning the core competencies of the position with your vision, and we bring our expertise in articulating that alignment through a successful recruiting strategy. You bring your enthusiasm and time commitment to dive into the search process, and we bring our energy, hard work and expertise to reach a successful conclusion.

We strive to earn your trust. We care about charitable organizations because we have been on those front lines ourselves. Every principal consultant at Kittleman has prior career leadership experience in a nonprofit organization. We are dedicated to providing you with the highest professional standards of service in the industry (many of which we created). You will not get lost in a bureaucracy or be treated dispassionately as can be the case with large, profit-driven recruiting firms. Our values are rooted in our passion for our work, integrity in everything we do, our empathy for what you do and our respect for those you serve.